BugSquad membership (renewal) requests

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at ubuntu.com
Mon Mar 1 14:59:12 UTC 2010


Your membership has been renewed.


Thank you for your interest in helping bug triaging and making Ubuntu better. I cannot renew your membership right now, since you did not complete all required steps (please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad). I have listed the basic requirements below:

    * sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct.
    * Read the Triage Guide.
    * Subscribe to the Bug Squad Mailing List 

After completing the steps above, please request your membership on the BugSquadby sending an email to the Bug Squad Mailing List, the email should contain at minimum:

    * Your Launchpad ID
    * A confirmation that you read the Triage Guide; if you have any questions please drop a separate email to the list. 

We will approve your request as soon as the above steps are completed.

Thank you,


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