Latest Updates from Mentors

Greg Grossmeier greg at
Wed Jul 21 02:15:24 UTC 2010

<quoting name="Pedro Villavicencio Garrido" date="2010-07-14" time="15:19:48 -0400">
> Hello folks,
> At our last BugSquad meeting we asked for Mentors updates to see how
> their students are doing it, the updates we got during the meeting:

My Update is:

 * Worked with "flyin" on one or two bugs. Haven't had much contact 
 * Have yet to contact Vork. That is my fault.
 * Realized my time for mentorship is not what it should be to do this 
effectively. I am sorry.
 * I will, of course, still lurk on the -bugs IRC channel and 
comment/help when I can, but the usual issues are pressing on my time 
(expanding job, evolution of home life time committments, etc).

My apologies.



|       Greg Grossmeier |
| |

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