Sis671 3-d driver

EL_Flippo Kristiansen karljkr at
Thu Jan 14 16:09:55 UTC 2010

I sent the following letter to sis-PR:

        don\'t you distribute sis671 driver to Linux? Anyone who has this
        graphic card curses the day they bought a computer with Sis, and will
        never again buy a computer with your product in it - and further
        recommend other people who uses Linux not to buy your product. Bad
        service quality equals few customers, i assure you, in a long time

 Karl and the whole
        Linux community 

The answer i got was quite optimistic:

Dear Sir:


Thanks for your
reminding. We are considering how to upstream the code to Linux community, but
need time to study how to do. If you can help, we can speed up the progress.

I wonder if you could contribute? It would be great to finally solve this problem once and for all. 

Regards Karl 
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