10.04 upgrade issue

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Tue Feb 23 15:26:27 UTC 2010

On 22 February 2010 13:13, Andy Curran <adcurran at btinternet.com> wrote:
> A real 'newbie' here, please be gentle!!! I have tried to upgrade Ubuntu
> from 9.10 to 10.04.

You really shouldn't be running 10.04 on a production machine if
you're a 'newbie'. It's not finished/ready yet. For support with
Ubuntu Lucid (the current release +1) we generally point people
towards the #ubuntu+1 irc channel. Other like minded mad people hang
out in there.

> I tried to re-install using a live-cd session but this failed due to
> insufficient drivespace.  I do not know how to get out of this hole,
> please would someone help!!!

During the installation choose "manual partitioning" at the
partitioning stage. Select to install on the partition which currently
has Ubuntu on it, and format the partition. Ensure you choose the
Ubuntu partition and not the Windows one.


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