Proposed changes to the documentation for the empty bug watch policy discussed during the last meeting

Bruno Girin brunogirin at
Thu Feb 11 22:10:35 UTC 2010

On Thu, 2010-02-11 at 20:39 +0100, Sense Hofstede wrote:
> Hello,
> Attached you'll find a diff containing the proposed changes to
> <> to accommodate the policy
> regarding adding empty upstream bug watches when marking a bug as
> 'Confirmed'.

A few comments on your update:
      * You mention that a bug should be marked as "triaged" only after
        it has been forwarded upstream if it needs to. This is at odds
        with what's currently in the flowchats [1]. So we need to ensure
        both are in sync. In practice, I think we need to be flexible
        and allow bugs to be forwarded upstream either before or after
        they've been marked "triaged". That way, BugSquad members who
        are not part of BugControl but are happy to forward upstream can
        do so before without having to wait for the bug to moved to
        "triaged", while BugControl members can mark a bug triaged
        without having to wait for it to be forwarded upstream. What we
        could specify is that when a bug is changed to "triaged", the
        BugControl member should also open an empty upstream task if it
        needs to be forwarded upstream, in effect highlighting the fact
        that the bug is triaged but that the next steps need to happen
      * s/aqcuinted/acquainted/
      * You write: "If you find a bug that needs forwarding, it is best
        to forward it immediately. However, if you are running short on
        time, you can still mark the bug as needing to be forwarded." I
        think we also need to take into account triagers who just don't
        know how to forward upstream or are not comfortable doing so; so
        I would suggest rewording to something like: "If you find a bug
        that needs forwarding, it is best to forward it immediately.
        However, if you can't or don't know how to do it, you can still
        mark the bug as needing to be forwarded so that someone who is
        well acquainted with the upstream bug tracker can do it."


My £0.02


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