Membership request

Pedro Villavicencio Garrido pedro at
Fri Feb 5 18:46:33 UTC 2010

Hola Jean,

El vie, 05-02-2010 a las 13:01 -0500, Jean Levasseur escribió:
> Hello everybody,
> i'm interested into getting involved with bugs.  I have read the
> and other wiki pages related
> to the subject.  Since I feel a bit lost in all that, I might need
> help, but I can give about an hour a week day doing bug triage etc...
> I subscribed myself to the ubuntu-bugsquad team in launchpad, as well
> as signed the CoC.  Is there anything eslse I should do in order to be
> part of the team?

Welcome aboard, I've approved your membership on the team, If you have
any doubts please ask those trough the mailing list or use the IRC
Channel (#ubuntu-bugs).

Have a nice day,


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