[Ubuntu Wiki] Update of "Bugs/Status" by brian-murray

Ubuntu Wiki noreply at ubuntu.com
Fri Aug 27 18:46:41 UTC 2010

Dear Wiki user,

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The following page has been changed by brian-murray:

     * Yes.
    * When converting a question to a bug, can the bug status immediately be set to "Confirmed" if comments in the question indicate that multiple users experience the bug?
     * Make a judgment call: as long as ''more than one person'' experiences the bug, the proper status is "Confirmed".
-   * What should a triager do if a bug needs more information but the original reporter is not available to provide it?
+   * What should a triager do if a bug needs more information, including steps to reproduce, but the original reporter is not available to provide it?
-    * Mark the bug as Invalid with a comment that the reporter could provide the information and reopen the bug by resetting its status to 'New'.
+    * Mark the bug as Invalid with a comment that the reporter should provide the information and reopen the bug by resetting its status to 'New'.

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