Hugday proposition: Jaunty bugs

Mohammed Amine IL Idrissi ilidrissiamine at
Thu Aug 19 23:30:23 UTC 2010

Of course, we can't include 700+ bugs. But we can reduce it by including
100-200 bugs in the list.
Here's some search results:
- There were 228 New bugs.
- There were 271 Incomplete bugs.
- There were 215 Confirmed bugs.
Which is a total of 713 bugs. Maybe we should take 100-150 bugs from each
status? (150 might sound like a high number, but there's a probability that
there are a lot of bugs with an inappropriate tag)

Thank you,
Mohamed Amine IL Idrissi
PS: It seems bughelper is no longer in the repos. Is there an alternative to
this package (and more specifically the bugnumbers utility)?

On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 10:39 PM, Brian Murray <brian at> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 09:55:30PM +0000, Mohammed Amine IL Idrissi wrote:
> > Hello, fellow BugSquaders :)
> >
> > I'd like to propose a new Hug Day target: Jaunty bugs. Jaunty will be EOL
> in
> > 2 months, and a simple search reveals more than 700 bugs having the
> jaunty
> > tag. These bugs need confirmation and testing.
> This sounds like an interesting idea to me but 700+ is quite a large
> target.  Perhaps it could be made more manageable by looking at a
> particular status like Confirmed or Triaged rather than every bug.
> Also depending on how you searched the results count may be of bug tasks
> and not bugs.
> --
> Brian Murray
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAkxtspMACgkQDTAwc5ER+zXyegCeNjmj5cYQU4qceS1Kg29Ye/nK
> =HKtj
> --
> Ubuntu-bugsquad mailing list
> Ubuntu-bugsquad at
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