Ubuntu Bug Day - 20090917

Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Wed Sep 16 22:33:04 UTC 2009

I've just finished setting up the next Bug Day wiki page[1] dealing with
bugs with out a package.  Since there are quite a few of these,
approximately 2300, and they are all in the new state I thought it'd be
interesting to populate the target list with some unique criteria.  So
there are categories for bugs with attachments, which may be a good hint
as to the package, and ones with certain numbers of subscribers,
comments and duplicates.

Hopefully, we can drive the number of bugs without a package down and
the +filebug changes will prevent more of them from being reported.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20090917

Brian Murray                                                 @ubuntu.com
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