issues in kubuntu 9.1beta

sudhakar tetala sudhakar.tetala at
Wed Oct 21 06:24:56 UTC 2009


I am using kubuntu 9.1beta ,it great

i am facing issues below

Issue1:unable to refresh repository source list, and also getting  dont have
previliges to install  .
Issue2: Automatic dectection of wireless broadcom is not included.
Issue3: Unable to find the exact java versions for sapgui 7.10
Issue4: No compactible webcam or voice chat messengers found.
Issue5: sometimes wheneever i install software of  other version it is
hanging when i restart my pc,no proper compactility of message is
Issue6: Graphical user interfaceshould be more but even now we rely more on
command prompt.
Issue7: Not able to login directly in root through logon screen,always i
have to use sudo -Admin access should be provide on longon screen.

Please help me on the above issues.


Sudhakar Tetala
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