Hug days for the next two weeks

Pedro Villavicencio Garrido pedro at
Wed May 13 18:18:25 UTC 2009

Hello folks,

We need your help... the next two weeks some members (including myself)
of the BugSquad are not going to be around because of the Ubuntu
Developer Summit in Spain and a Company internal conference, which means
that we need to find someone to help out to organize/run the hug days on
Thursday 21 and Thursday 28 of May, so my question is: do you want to
run those or do you think that we should postpone?.

If you are totally unfamiliar with organizing a hug day, it's pretty
simple and straight forward, what you need to know as a first read is
available at the Organizing page[1] ; And also you need to be around at
the channel that day to help triagers and discuss about bugs.

What we also need is new targets for those days, how to propose one?
just reply to the thread and add the idea to the Planning page[2], I'm
saying that we need a new target because the next the ones on the list
are update-manager/notifier and synaptic and I'd like to have Michael
Vogt (the maintainer) involved on those, and yes he's also busy those

If you want to help well just reply to this thread and I can help you to
start to setting up everything.


Have a nice day,


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