Patches in bug reports

Brian Murray brian at
Tue Mar 3 23:15:27 UTC 2009

At the UDS for Jaunty there was some discussion about the work flow for
bugs with patches and how we can help these bug reports get fixed.

As a part of the specification[1] that came out of this discussion I've
documented what can be considered a patch and how to work with
attachments that are and are not patches[2].   Please take some time to
review that page and see how you can help out.

Additionally, I've also written a couple of Launchpad reports that may
aid in this work flow.  

There is a report of bug attachments that are flagged as patches[3].
Its a bit different than the standard Launchpad query since it shows you
the attachment name and the extension.  One thing you could do is sort
the table by attachment extension and then look for all the 'conf'
extensions and then unflag those patches and educate the reporters about
what qualifies as a patch.

The other report[4] contains bug reports with attachments that might be
patches.  The attachment names are searched for the words diff or patch.
One thing that you could do with these is to flag the attachment as a
patch, if it really is one, and add a comment letting people know about
the importance of flagging attachments as patches.  However, be careful
as sometimes Ubuntu developers[5] forget to check the box too and
probably don't need to be reminded of the importance of checking it!

[5] Who is an Ubuntu developer?  The lp_karmasuffix greasemonkey script
helps identify them.

Brian Murray                                       
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