New tool for opening upstream tasks

Mike Rooney mrooney at
Wed Feb 18 22:01:02 UTC 2009

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Jorge O. Castro <jorge at> wrote:

> c) Some people have told me that with their specific projects the
> default action should be to open a blank upstream task and have
> declining that be the option instead of the way it is now. I am
> interested in feedback on this. So please try this, kick the tires,
> and start opening blank upstream tasks, especially those of you with
> terrible upstream linkage percentages. As the numbers of open tasks
> grow we can then help focus triaging efforts on those to get those
> bugs filed upstream and linked.

This would be very useful I think. Launchpad already allows you to link an
Ubuntu package to an upstream one, so it would be nice if, as the
owner/maintainer of the associated upstream, I could tell Launchpad to
automatically mark the task as affecting upstream as well and let me
invalidate them as appropriate. Especially for packages with minor or
non-existent differences from upstream (or upstream projects which
explicitly support Ubuntu, which seem to be growing in number), it is likely
the bug is an upstream issue.

Michael Rooney
mrooney at
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