Kernel Bug Day - Tues 01 Sept, 2009

Leann Ogasawara leann.ogasawara at
Fri Aug 28 19:34:53 BST 2009

Hi Everyone,

Just another friendly reminder that the next kernel bug day will be held
Tues. the 1st of Sept, 2009 [1].  The focus of the bug day will be bugs
that were marked Incomplete but have since received a response.  Each
kernel team member is responsible for a specific subset of bugs however
community involvement is also greatly appreciated.

The kernel team would like to thank Andres Mujica for helping triage all
50 bugs in the community section last time.  Keep up the great work

Please join us Tuesday in the #ubuntu-kernel IRC channel on FreeNode as
we tackle this list of bugs together.

Thanks in advance,


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