Triaging Sound Bugs on Ubuntu -- Soon on an IRC Channel for you!

C de-Avillez hggdh2 at
Wed Aug 26 00:07:25 UTC 2009


Have you ever had sound problems on Ubuntu (and Linux, in general)?

Have you ever lost the *critical* piece, that would make the whole
conversation understandable, to static?

Have you -- like my humble self -- considered the plethora of
sound-related pieces a gigantic maze, with no rules known? Not that not
knowing the rules would matter, since they seem to change

Do you -- again, like my humble self -- get surprised when sounds *does*

If all of the above, or even a single one, applies to you... then YOU
can help! We are about to go on a Class About Sound [1].

Daniel T Chen has graciously accepted a request from Bug-Control, and
will be giving a class on how to _triage_ sound bugs. Given that sound
bugs have been a major user experience headache, triaging sound bugs is,
I believe, a major roadblock for us [2]. 

So, it is set! We will have a "Triaging Sound Bugs" next Friday --
courtesy of Daniel, and the magnificent folks that manage the Ubuntu
Classroom IRC channel.

Date: 		Friday, August 28th, at 22:00 UTC
Location:, channel #ubuntu-classroom
Duration:	90 minutes (estimated)
Presenter:	Daniel T Chen (IRC: dtchen)

Thank you. I do hope a lot of us get to be there -- we do need the help!


..Carl.. [3]
IRC: hggdh

p.s. A *HUGE* THANK YOU to Daniel, for giving up yet another hour of his
life to help us. And, of course, to the -classroom folks, for allowing
us to use the channel.

p.p.s. I do apologise for this late announcement, but... such is life.


[1] Unfortunately, just the sound bugs triaging part, right now. Before
we get sound really, *really* working, we must understand what is
broken. Then, with the help of correctly triaged bugs, we can work out
the failures, and get Sound Working As It Should (TM). On the other
hand, if you get to understand how to triage sound issues, you will
probably have far less issues with sound ;-)

[2] please keep in mind that one can only *solve* a problem after: (1)
understanding *what* is the problem (if any at all); (2) finding *how*
the problem manifests itself; (3) finding *where* the problem lies.
Amazingly enough for some people, this all depends on a correct triage.

[3] As luck would have it, I will, myself, be absent: at this time I
will be traveling home, after a week's work. I would like to ask for a
moderator, to field questions to Daniel. Please email me, or IRC me,
this week, so we can set it up.
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