Monthly BugSquad Meeting - 18th August, 2009 16.00 UTC - MINUTES

Andres Mujica andres.mujica at
Wed Aug 19 18:45:10 UTC 2009

Hi, the minute for our last meeting are available at:

Keep an eye on:

- Making Bugsquad a moderated team 
- Upcoming Mentorship program
- TODO List  (pending update) 
- Next meeting off course!  (Sept 8th, 16:00 UTC #ubuntu-bugs)

We're lacking topics for next meeting, so add some!



El mar, 11-08-2009 a las 13:36 -0500, Andres Mujica escribió:

> Hi Bugsquad
> you're all invited to our next meeting Tuesday 18th August at 16.00
> UTC, this time it would be held at our own channel #ubuntu-bugs
> The proposed Agenda is at  
> As you can see the topics are open, so if you feel something needs to
> be discussed at the meeting please add it to the wiki page, explain it
> as brief and clear as you can and join us to discuss it.
> Remember, the purpose of these meetings is to improve our Team and
> make Ubuntu better!!.
> -- 
> Andres Mujica <andres.mujica at>
> Ubuntu BugSquad BugControl

Andres Mujica <andres.mujica at>
Ubuntu BugSquad BugControl
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