Bugs since release

Bruno Girin brunogirin at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 22:15:47 UTC 2009

2009/4/28 Brian Murray <brian at ubuntu.com>:
> I've made a report[1] that lists New and Confirmed bug tasks opened
> since 2009-04-23, the day Jaunty came out.  My thought was that the
> report would be helpful for finding bugs regarding the final version of
> Jaunty and identifying SRU worthy bug reports.
> [1] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/bugnumbers/bugs-since-jaunty.html


Sorry to sound like a n00b but what does SRU stand for? For some
reason, the definitions given by Google (Scottish Rugby Union or
Sulphur Recovery Unit) don't seem appropriate.

Other than that, thanks for the list, it shows we have quite a bit of
triaging to do so I'll try to do my bit.

Bruno Girin

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