Fw: Status "FixCommited" for ubuntu-tasks

Charlie Kravetz cjk at teamcharliesangels.com
Wed Apr 15 16:34:09 UTC 2009

Begin forwarded message:

Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 07:19:46 -0600
From: Charlie Kravetz <cjk at teamcharliesangels.com>
To: Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com>
Subject: Re: Status "FixCommited" for ubuntu-tasks

On Wed, 15 Apr 2009 14:01:09 +0100
Max Bowsher <maxb at f2s.com> wrote:

> Charlie Kravetz wrote:
> > While I can agree with this logic, what do you do when the upstream
> > report does not update in launchpad? There are many bugs with
> > upstream projects attached, that become fixed upstream but never
> > get a launchpad update. They also become fix-released in launchpad
> > without the upstream bug having been updated beyond "unknown".
> OK, do we know the reason for that? If the bug watch is configured but
> not working, we should file bugs on launchpad itself about that. If
> the bugs don't have upstream bug watches because launchpad doesn't
> support the relevant upstream tracker type, we should file wishlist
> bugs on launchpad itself.

Yes, we know the reason for that. It is a bug in launchpad, that is
known and being worked. That doesn't make if fixed, though.

> > I, personnally, find I must
> > maintain some type of personal list to know which bugs have actually
> > been worked upstream because of this issue. Not being able to move
> > the Ubuntu bug to fix-committed does double the work I must do to
> > find out if the upstream bug has indeed been fixed. It also
> > increases the workload for the developers if they must go and look
> > upstream for status. 
> > 
> > Doesn't that defeat the purpose of even having the upstream project?
> So maybe there needs to be a better way to see at a glance in bug
> listings whether there is an upstream task with a "Fix Committed" or
> "Fix Released" status?
> Max.

Gee, what was the reason for this discussion? Oh, yeah, an easier way
to determine if the bug might have a "Fix-committed" status.

I apologize, Max, I did not intend to send this only to you. Normally I
try to reply to the list instead of individuals.

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          [http://counter.li.org/]
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