"This bug doesn't affect me" link

Ara Pulido ara at ubuntu.com
Fri Oct 17 06:54:18 UTC 2008


This is a new feature that the Launchpad team has just released to avoid
"mee too" comments. It will provide a lot of statistics on "hot" bugs.

You can read the announcement at the Launchpad team blog [1]


[1] http://news.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/feelin-hot-hot-hot

On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 08:49 +0200, Savvas wrote:
> Hi, I was wondering about this new launchpad feature, above each
> report there's a "This bug doesn't affect me" and there's a "(change)"
> link.
> Is this to be used instead of "Me too" comments?
> Thanks

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