Hug Thursday!

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at
Wed Oct 15 16:10:04 UTC 2008

Dereck wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 11:09 AM, Till Kamppeter
> <till.kamppeter at> wrote:
>> Dereck wrote:
>>> Fellow Ubuntu Triagers!
>>> Charge your lasers, because it's time for another HugDay!
>>> This week's HugDay target is *drum roll please* cupsys!
>>>  * 108 New bugs need a hug
>>>  * 28 Incomplete bugs need a status check
>>>  * 40 Confirmed bugs need a review
>>> CUPSYS: The Common Unix Printing System is what controls printing
>>> in Ubuntu, a fairly necessary task of any desktop machine.
>> Do you take into account that cupsys was renamed to cups in the Intrepid
>> release cycle? This means the figures of "cupsys" and "cups" bugs have
>> to get summed up. For triagers it menas that everything which is still
>> valid in Intrepid needs to be moved to "cups".
>> In addition. triagers should know that the printing subsystem consists
>> of many packages, not only cups, but also ghostscript, foomatic-*,
>> hplip, gutenprint, splix, system-config-printer, ... Users do not know
>> that and assign printing-related bug reports to cups/cupsys or
>> system-config-printer in most cases. Triagers should move these to the
>> correct packages.
>>    Till
> I was in fact unaware! When generating the list of bugs, I innocently used
> the package cupsys. Would the appropriate solution be to move all bugs
> from cupsys to cups?  Perhaps we could just run a script to do this for us,
> and regenerate the hugday list on the package cups? Or should he have
> triagers just move them over as relevant, such as all intrepid and beyond
> bugs be moved to 8.10?

The best would be to add support for package renaming to Launchpad: 
Package pages should show the full history, also of the releases under 
old names. Going to the URL of the old name should automatically forward 
the user to the new name. Same for bug reporting. New bugs reported for 
a renamed package should be automatically posted under the new package 
name and existing bugs be moved.

I would say you move all bugs to cups by a script and then regenerate 
the list.


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