'needs-packaging' reports

Wolfger wolfger at gmail.com
Tue Oct 14 09:44:17 UTC 2008

On Tue, Oct 14, 2008 at 4:01 AM, Arnaud Blouin <blouin.arno at gmail.com> wrote:
> The problem is not about a limit of reports per person, nor about the
> ability of blaming people; the problem is that such guy open reports only to
> have a lot of Karma points. They do not care about the usefulness of what
> they do.

He has admitted this to you? Or you are assuming? Be careful in trying
to play mind reader. It's always best to assume others have good
intentions than to assume they are intentionally screwing things up.

> Moreover, when you triage bugs everyday, and everyday you find
> 'need-packaging' reports from the same guy that pollutes Launchpad, it is
> irritating.

Unless the bugs are actually invalid, I don't see how they "pollute"
Launchpad. plus, he hasn't actually opened "no less than 700" bugs.
There's 689 listings in "bugs related to", and some of those are the
same bug appearing twice, such as 251737 which is in the list 4 times
(Ubuntu, mac4lin, Gutsy backports, Feisty backports). So the problem
really is smaller than you're making it out to be. Clicking on a few
other Ubuntu related bugs, they all seem to be open against Gutsy and
Feisty backports as well, so I'd say that he's probably actually got
only around 300. Quite possibly less.

Unless a large number of these bugs are actually (and obviously)
invalid, I can't see that this guy is doing anything wrong. In fact,
he's gotten some of these things packaged, so he's helped Ubuntu out
I'd say.


The world is a mess, and I just... need to rule it.

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