Multimedia Hugday Today!

Dereck dereck at
Tue Nov 25 12:19:06 UTC 2008

Fellow Ubuntu Triagers!

This week's HugDay target is *drum roll please*   Multimedia Stuff!

An impressive list bugs is waiting for you just one click away~

Come on down and Hug a bug and get to know the bugsquad on
#ubuntu-bugs, your neighborhood triaging group.

Can't stress it enough: everyone can help!

Have some time? Triage boogz!
Have a blog? Blog about Hugday!
Have some screen space? Open #ubuntu-bugs and keep an eye out for
newcomers in need.
Have minions? Teach THEM to triage for you! :)

Make a difference; we will be in #ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) all day and
night, and will be ready to answer your questions about how to help.

If you're new to all this, head to

[From the *Hug*Squad :D ]

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