Proposed changes to workflow bug management

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Wed May 28 16:36:05 UTC 2008

Stefan Potyra <stefan.potyra at> writes:
> Also I don't believe that workflow bugs should be a red area for triagers. 
> During motu-relase work for hardy, I've seen one or two occurances, where 
> someone fixed a bug state from a bad filed freeze exception request, and I 
> greatly appreciated this!

Excellent point. There is no need to exclude triagers from workflow
bugs. In fact, it might be that workflow bugs are the easiest ones when
it comes to dectect if the bug is missing information, is assigned to
the wrong team or general procedures have not been followed.

Of course it means that you have to understand what the procedures are
in the first place, but there is no black magic here.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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