Bugs with status 'In Progress' without assignee

Reinhard Tartler siretart at ubuntu.com
Wed May 28 07:05:05 UTC 2008

Brian Murray <brian at ubuntu.com> writes:
>> If there is none, I suggest to set all of them to triaged.
> I don't think they should all be set to to Triaged but rather that some
> investigation should be done into their current status.   Some of the
> ones in that list appear quite old and may be fixed in Hardy if not
> earlier.


I should have been more clear here. Is this something we can ask the
bugsquad team to do? I mean going through the list of bugs with assignee
and asking for an update from the person that set it to 'in progress'?

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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