Proposed changes to workflow bug management

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Tue May 27 14:18:36 UTC 2008

Ben Collins <ben.collins at> writes:

> Take the intrepid linux-ports package that will be coming down the pipe.
> The bugs will be split up on the basis of architecture. So assigning
> bugs to the ubuntu-{powerpc,ia64,hppa,sparc} teams as a triage step
> makes sense, and immediately shows responsibility. Then individuals in
> those teams can take the bug.
> No one has yet explained a better way to handle this sort of workflow,

Obvious way: don't assign, but subscribe the team that is going to
handle the bug.

The advantages:
 - it does not give users the false impression someone would actually
   work on that bug
 - several teams can be subscribed, which is not possible with


 - subscriptions are not as exposed as assignments in the UI and perhaps
   a bit more difficult to use.

And as Emmet points out in
<9bd2f8970805270124w5dcedc4bp406bae36bda4666d at>,
notification for assignees is very different to notification for

Seb128 pointed out on IRC that handling large amounts of bugs are
supposed to be handeled easier than with subscriptions, but I have to
admit that I don't really understand this argument.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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