Fwd: Proposed changes to workflow bug management

Caroline Ford caroline.ford.work at googlemail.com
Mon May 26 19:52:13 UTC 2008

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scott Kitterman <ubuntu at kitterman.com>
Date: 2008/5/26
Subject: Proposed changes to workflow bug management
To: ubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com

At UDS Intrepid we had a good discussion between a few Ubuntu developers and
some people who are active in bugsquad (I recognize that many developers also
triage bugs.  The discussion was focused on people who triage, but are not
developers.).  I accepted the action to present the issue and proposed
solution to the development community for comment (I know bugsquad needs to
discuss this too, but I'm probably not the best one to lead that discussion).

This is my best attempt to capture the proposal that resulted from our
discussions at UDS.  I'm sure I've missed things/made mistakes.  Please point
them out so it can be fixed.  This writeup is no doubt slanted based on my
perception of the problem.  No offense/insult against bugsquad is intended
here.  If it's present, please let me know so I can fix it.

Problem: A number of development processes use bugs to track work flow.  This
class of bugs has unique rules and bug status has different meanings (even
perhaps different meanings depending on the phase of the development cycle).
This class of bugs rarely benefits from work by bugsquad (non-developer)
triage efforts.  In some cases changes may actually be harmful.

After some review, it appears that there is no easy way for bugsquad members
to reliably identify such bugs that is consistent with their normal work
flow.  The most reliable method to identify them by team subscription (e.g.
ubuntu-archive, ubuntu-mir, ubuntun-universe-sponsors, etc.), but this is not
something generally used in the triage process.

Proposal: Develop a new class of private bug for workflow bugs and make such
bugs private.  Develop a work flow to resolve uncertainties about workflow
bugs through ubuntu-bugcontrol.

Rationale: The most reliable way to ensure new triagers do not involve
themselves with workflow bugs is to make it so they cannot see them.  Through
appropriate team permissions in Launchpad, workflow bugs can be visible to
those that need them.

Advantages:  No bugsquad process changes required (the current "Special types
of bugs" section would be changed to indicate ubuntu-bugcontrol should be
asked to see if the bug needs to be added to the workflow bug class if a
triager believes they have found one not appropriately marked).  The risk of
inadvertent/incorrect changes by people not involved in the development
process would be greatly reduced.  Noise level changes appearing in the
bugmail stream would also be reduced.

Overall harmony between bugsquad and developers should be improved.

Disadvantages: Some development work is needed to mechanize the proposed
process changes.  Ubuntu development becomes slightly less transparent.
There is some risk of duplicate bugs being filed.  Process change always
causes some disruption.

Documentation impacts: The following wiki pages will need to be updated:


The last page above has a draft list of types of workflow bugs:


Since needs-packaging bugs are generally filed by end-users they would be kept

Development requirements/issues:

1.  Some launchpad changes are likely needed to effect this change.
2.  Requestsync will need to be modified.
3.  Additional scripts may be useful to aid in workflow bug filing
4.  Need to identify teams that would have access to workflow bugs:

Bug filers always have access to a private bug, so those who are not in an
appropriate team would still have access to workflow bugs they file.

ubuntu-bugcontrol would have access to these bugs (ubuntu-dev is a member of
this team, so it gives all developers access).  universe-contributors should
also be a member.  One open question is, should there be an open team that
has access to these bugs?

Please discuss.

Scott K

P.S.  Would someone who is subscribed please forward this to ubuntu-bugsquad.

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