Incomplete with no response >30 days

Siegfried Gevatter (RainCT) rainct at
Thu May 8 16:25:01 UTC 2008

2008/5/8 Henrik Nilsen Omma <henrik at>:

>  I don't think it's appropriate for a developer to change the triage
>  team's workflow policy with a wiki edit while we are still having
>  discussions about it. We've scheduled this as a UDS topic.

Hm... Where is there the change? Triagers are currently supposed to
don't touch those bugs.

Getting into the discussion, I don't sympathise with the idea of using
"In Progress" (as it would conflict with what it's already used for
now, to indicate that a developer is working on it "right now"). I can
however think of some changes; for example, instead of using "New" for
not-yet-approved sync requests, those could be set to "Confirmed", and
the status to indicate to archive admins that they have been approved
by a developer could be "Triaged" (with this change we would archive:
a) reducing confusion, I've seen triagers confirming sync requests
that would fix bugs; b) get sync requests out of the "New" bugs list;
c) reduce the amount of people who can set the approved status to
developers and ubuntu-bugcontrol members, who should be experienced
enough to know if they are supposed to change the status to "Triaged"
 or not).

Just my 5 cent,

Siegfried-Angel Gevatter Pujals (RainCT)
GNU/Linux User #438657. Ubuntu User #11680.

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