about apport retrace

Greg Grossmeier greg.grossmeier at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 17:12:59 BST 2008

Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Niels Egberts <niels.egberts at gmail.com> wrote:
>> When someone said he had the same problem, I marked the bug as confirmed.
> Which is wrong.  Confirmed, confusingly, means that the info necessary
> to fix the bug is there.  It sounds like it should mean someone
> reproduced it, I know.

Just to clarify before too many bugs are changed: the above is not correct.

See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status
     * Someone believes that that the report describes a genuine bug in 
enough detail that a developer could start working on a fix
     * Confirmed bugs require confirmation from someone other than the 
original reporter
     * This helps ensure that the bug is applicable to Ubuntu in 
general, and not a problem with the reporter's system, therefore...
     * Please don't confirm your own bugs!"

I believe you are thinking of Triaged, Mackenzie.  From that same page, 
under Triaged: "Use this when you are confident that it should be looked 
at by a developer and has enough information"

Hope that helps clarify everything.



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