about apport retrace

Niels Egberts niels.egberts at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 16:11:39 BST 2008


I'm running intrepid and I try to find or file every bug I find. Now I found
that system-monitor always crashes, so I did an apport bugreport:

When someone said he had the same problem, I marked the bug as confirmed.
But someone else said "setting back to new waiting for the retrace.". What
do I need to do now? Can I do this retrace myself, is this done
automatically? I have found on the ubuntu wiki:
"*apport-retrace*: Regenerate stack traces of a report. If you supply
the -doption, this tool will automatically download available debug
packages and use them to generate a symbolic stack trace. The manpage
explains the functionality and all available options in detail."
However, apport-retrace does not know anything about -d, and it gives me a
lot of warnings about packages that are not installed and gets me into gdb,
but I dont know what I am doing there.

Can someone enlighten me?
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