Upstream request for Evolution bugs filling

HggdH hggdh2 at
Wed Jan 9 17:04:54 UTC 2008

On Wed, 2008-01-09 at 09:49 +0100, Sebastien Bacher wrote:

> I don't think it makes sense to use the BugBuddyBugs component when
> sending bugs manually. Upstream did that so they can read triaged bugs
> without having to bother with all the duplicates sent by bugbuddy. The
> bugs we usually send on bugzilla have been triaged, have a debug
> backtraces and are not duplicates, so assigning them to the right
> component should be no issue

Yes, bdmurray raised the same point. I then chatted with Matt Barnes,
and he agrees that -- given we have enough data (bt, steps to reproduce,
etc) --, it does not make sense to go to basic triage again upstream. So
we are to open upstream under the correct component.

I guess I should have waited to actually have time to get through it,
instead of just forwarding mbarnes' email.

My fault.

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