Bug Announces in #ubuntu-bugs

Michael Bienia michael at vorlon.ping.de
Sun Feb 24 23:26:48 UTC 2008

On 2008-02-24 17:57:36 -0500, Wolfger wrote:
> With ubotu broadcasting new bugs, I keep the channel open but I pretty
>  much ignore it unless I need to ask for help in how to triage a
>  particular bug. If the new bug broadcasts weren't there, I'd be more
>  likely to pay attention whenever somebody is talking. Every once in a
>  great while I actually pay attention to ubotu and look at a fresh bug,
>  but I'd have to say that's < 1% of the time.

That's exactly what I do too. The most time my IRC client shows activity
in #ubuntu-bugs it's ubotu announcing new bugs. Therefore the most time
I ignore the channel and miss discussions or questions.
I probably wouldn't join #u-b-announce. When I have time to work on bugs
I open the bug list sorted by "Newest first" in my browser and check on
which bugs I can help.

Surely, moving the announcements into an other channel doesn't fix the
bugs but ignoring the channel doesn't fix them either. And people trying
to use #ubuntu-bugs for help on fixing/triaging a bug get missed too


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