Adding a tag to

Michael Casadevall sonicmctails at
Tue Aug 12 23:12:11 UTC 2008

Another +1 from me. Great idea.

On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 6:05 PM, Brian Murray <brian at> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 09, 2008 at 11:58:12PM +0900, Emmet Hikory wrote:
>> Bug Squad,
>>     There's a class of bugs with Java applications that depend on the
>> full Java Runtime Environment when they could depend on a headless
>> Java Runtime Environment (no video or audio support).  Ensuring that
>> applications which don't need video or audio support use this headless
>> JRE is an important step towards being able to use Java well on
>> servers (which are often headless).
>>     I've seen at least one bug that complained about the dependencies
>> of a Java application being too complex (why is X required for a
>> *command line* tool?), and suspect there will be more as we get closer
>> to the goal and build an expectation in users that Java should work in
>> headless mode.
>>     To ease the work of developers chasing this goal, I'd like to
>> request that the "java-headless" tag be used for bugs that address
>> excessive dependencies of Java applications where those excessive
>> dependencies include spurious requests for X or audio libraries.  I've
>> started using this tag myself for cases where I find bugs of this
>> type, but would like to add it to Bugs/Tags in the hopes of increasing
>> the number of people who might see such bugs and add the tag so that
>> those people working on the problem may have their work better
>> directed.
>>     I'd like to hear comments from others for or against the addition
>> of this tag to the Bugs/Tags page.  With luck, we'll complete the
>> transition in intrepid, but more likely intrepid+1, so this tag will
>> have a limited lifespan.
> This sounds like a great idea to me.
> --
> Brian Murray                                       
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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> --
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