Bugs with patches attached

James Westby jw+debian at jameswestby.net
Wed Apr 9 19:15:11 UTC 2008

Hi Mackenzie,

Thanks for responding,

On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 13:53 -0400, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> One problem I have is although I could write patches for a couple bugs
> I've spotted in, for example, Universe packages, I don't know how to
> make a debdiff (or even what one is), but when you have a patch, that's
> what they ask for.

One of the things talked about in the discussion that I referred to
was this requirement. Some were unhappy that given a perfectly
good patch some people would ask for a debdiff instead, when the
work of turning it in to a debdiff for someone who knows what they
are doing is small compared to testing it and everything else.

I agree with this, and so that's one of the reasons I would like
to put some time in to this.

I'm sorry you've been discouraged from contributing in this
way by this issue.

>   I don't know anything about packaging, so I don't
> know how to get the fixes in for the few little things that I know I can
> fix.  Given that feature freeze is in effect, I know I won't be able to
> fix the fact that a few of the menu options in Rubrica are in Italian
> while the rest of the program is in English before Hardy ships.  I know
> where each button is, so i just don't read it.  That won't work for
> everyone.
> Making it easier to separate patch-writer from packager would, in my
> opinion, be helpful.

I would love to take any patch that you have and get it uploaded. If
you have the time to write a patch then please do so and assign the
bug to me and I'll take a look.

Although I'm happy to do it, I don't think we're in the position
currently to have something like a debdiff service when you can
write a patch and pass it on to this group. However not using
contributions as they aren't quite in the right form should
definitely be avoided.



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