Bug Tagging

Brian Murray brian at ubuntu.com
Thu May 24 05:15:04 BST 2007

I've recently started using some new bug tags[1] as an alternative way 
to identify and find bugs.  For example, I created a 'metabug' tag for
bugs that have a high likely-hood of duplication.  An example of a
metabug is 53923 "tifm: Texas Instruments Card reader not working" where
some specific Ti Multimedia Cards aren't reading cards.  This bug is 
currently in progress but we do have 20 duplicates of it, and more could 
come in as the hardware is prevalent.  The idea of a 'metabug' tag 
appeals to my workflow as I look a lot of different packages and this 
becomes an easy reference sheet for common bugs.  It could also be useful 
for new triagers and those coming back from a break.  Please have a look 
at the list of current 'metabugs'[2] and tag more if you see them.

In an effort to make openoffice.org bugs make them more approachable, 
I have started use tags such as 'ooo-calc' to identify which specific 
application the bug appears in.  Finally, there is the 'commercial' tag 
to identify bugs in packages like Opera that don't yet exist in 
Launchpad.  As I understand it these packages may appear in Launchpad so 
I'd like us to be able to find those bugs again and assign them to the 
right package.

Please take a moment to look at the list of tags currently in use, add
any tags you think would be useful, and subscribe to the wiki page.

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Tags
[2] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=metabug

Brian Murray                                                 @ubuntu.com
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