changing descriptions, upstream bug-handling

Sarah Hobbs hobbsee at
Fri Jun 22 06:55:40 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

shirish wrote:
> Hi all,
>         Coupld of things which I wanted to mention :-
> A.  I had set up a bug-report
> which was subsequently changed by somebody named Marco Rodrigues & is
> something very different than what I had reported. Now there is no way
> I or anyone can perceive . There is a very small/thin description
> called view the original description. What should be a better way is
> to somehow tag it to the person who made the changes , something like
> Bug Description : Details
> Changed/updated by :  person who updated the bug description
> Original Description : Name of person who originally filed the bug
> View Original Description (hotlink)
> I'm no designer hence this is a very ugly way to present it but
> atleast the logic & reasoning is clear. Of course dunno how it would
> work in cases where the bug description went through many changes .
> (dunno if there are such cases also? )

People dont usually change bugs without a reason.  That was a
"needs-packaging" bug, i filed it upstream, as you hadnt, and someone
else saw it, linked it to our bugtracker, then changed it to request the
sync of the package.

This is logical.  Else, a separate sync request could have been made,
and your bug been filed a dupe of that.

Take your pick - both are sane options, and are fairly easy to figure
out the rationale behind.

> B. A way to see what changes/comments were made up-stream . The same
> bug
> , as I had filed the upstream bug as requested by Sarah Hobbsee (hope
> I get the spelling right this time) ,  

You didn't.  Check if you need to, or the real
name on my irc client.  It's not hard.

the upgrade has entered into qa
> (testing) but somehow this isn't reflected in launchpad. Can these
> changes be reflected or not?
> Cheers !

I cant really understand what you're asking here - but LP does
eventually update with what the upstream bug says, with it's status.
It's very easy to click on the debian bug link (top right corner), and
read the bug.

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