[bughelper] mail volume on ubuntu-bugsquad list

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Sun Jan 14 13:44:27 GMT 2007

Hello everybody,

In the last two days, I noticed a few people unsubscribing from the
ubuntu-bugsquad list. I can only guess that it's related due to the
increased mail volume regarding the bughelper project.

Personally, I will prepend all my mails with [bughelper] now, to make it
easy to filter them to another folder or get rid of them, if you prefer
to do that.

For the moment I don't want to take bughelper of the BugSquad mailing
list, because I think the input from BugSquad people is crucial to the
beginning of bughelper. Also I hope that all of you will start helping
out soon:

      * Either with hacking and improving bughelper directly
      * or writing and improving .info files.

I can only ask for your patience and hope you bear with us in the
starting phase of bughelper.

Thanks a lot. Have a nice day,

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