[Bug 79157] Re: RFE: support local clue files

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Sun Jan 14 12:52:04 UTC 2007

> I'm wondering if it might be easy to mix up he files though.

I suggest assuming /usr/share/bughelper/packages as the global clue file
location (if the package is installed), then maybe check the "/packages"
directory relative to where the currently run bughelper script resides.

I don't see any trouble mixing them up.

> Not sure how the directory option would work.

We would 
 * first check  os.path.isfile(sys.argv[x])  then use the given .info file
 * then check  os.path.isdir(sys.argv[x])  and use all the files in that directory
 * then check  glob.glob(sys.argv[x])  and go through the list of possible matches.

> There would have 
> to be only one .info file in there or  bughelper would use them 
> all the first one / random one.

I don't quite understand why we would need this. bughelper knows which
source package a given bug belongs to, so it can easily check if there's
a .info file for that bug.

RFE: support local clue files

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