bughelper meeting (was Re: bughelper knows new cluefiles!)

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Sun Jan 14 09:18:49 GMT 2007

Hey Alex,

On Fr, 2007-01-12 at 21:52 +0100, Alex Muntada wrote:
> I'd really like to help you with this because I think it can
> be very helpful for bug triaging.  

Thanks a lot for the assessment. I'm very happy if this proves to be
helpful for us.

> Unfortunately, I don't
> have the skills to start working on it and there are things
> that I don't understand quite well.

In general: Please ask all your questions on the list, because everybody
will read them and we'll have answers which are archived for everybody.

> Since that is probably happening to more people (the lack of
> responses to your several calls for help seems to confirm this)
> I was wondering if you would mind to make an #ubuntu-classroom
> meeting to teach us by example... wdyt?

I'm happy to do that. We can try to do a focused Q&A session on IRC on
Thursday Jan 18th on #ubuntu-bugs on irc.freenode.net at 15:00 UTC.
Please bear in mind that bughelper is still at a VERY early stage and
that things you'd like to have in it are not even thought of yet. I'm
convinced that this session will probably help out to 
      * understand where we are
      * how things work that are implemented already
      * which way we'll go in the future
      * which documentation we still need to write
      * where spots for involvement are
      * what processes we need for development

Please try to think of good questions and answers in advance and let's
have a productive meeting!

Have a nice day,

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