bughelper knows new cluefiles!

Daniel Holbach daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com
Fri Jan 12 17:43:23 GMT 2007

Hello everybody,

as I mentioned before [1], I wanted to start working on implementing the
new clue files format [2] for bughelper and a good part of the work has
landed in ~dholbach/bughelper/bughelper.dev

What currently works is combinations of and, or, not and the general
parsing of XML files. The old info.old format is obsolete now.

What NOT works is: inheritance of bug clues (although they are parsed
already) and 'general clues', where we'll need to think of altering the
format a bit.

We should start working on documentation, so we can start using it for
real life bug triage soon.

Once someone has reviewed the changes, please merge into

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-bugsquad/2006-December/000205.html
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper/Dev/ClueFiles

Thanks alot, have a nice day,

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