Bug triaging... backwards!

Vassilis Pandis pandisv at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Jan 1 13:03:09 UTC 2007

--- Rouben <rouben at rouben.net> wrote:

> Hello folks!
> I'm a relatively new addition to the Ubuntu bug squad as well as this
> mailing list, so please go easy on me if I'm being silly. :-)


> The reason why I'm posting this is because when reviewing untriaged
> bugs today, I noticed that some of the bugs on "last" page were over a
> year old! Given the huge number of untriaged bugs, would it be prudent
> to advise folks to start triaging bugs oldest to youngest? If so, then
> perhaps the appropriate BugSquad triaging wiki pages should also be
> changed.

Well this is a compromise. Taking a look at older bugs is definitely needed
but we wouldn't want to miss on important new issues that affect the next 
release. imVho, I think that the best approach is to focus mainly on new bugs
but dedicate some time to old bugs as well. After all, if an old bug is very
important, it won't be forgotten because sooner or later a duplicate will appear :-)


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