desktop cleanup day summary: gedit and gnome-media

Sebastien Bacher seb128 at
Wed Feb 28 23:47:59 UTC 2007


The summary for that desktop clean day (with a delay due to new GNOME
which kept the desktop team busy). The gedit and gnome-media bug lists
are mostly cleaned now, thank you to everybody who contributed to that.

The stats for the packages:

* gedit
- only 1 "Unconfirmed" bug on the package (which might be fixed on
- 2 bugs are "Needs Info" at the moment
- no bug to forward upstream
- all the bugs are importance medium, low or wishlist
- there is no bug marked to fix for feisty

gedit seems to work pretty nicely and there is no bug that has been
pointed as to fix for feisty

* gnome-media
- only 1 "Unconfirmed" bug on the package (which might be fixed on
- 6 bugs are "Needs Info" at the moment
- 3 bugs to forward upstream
- all the bugs are importance medium, low or wishlist
- there is no bug marked to fix for feisty

gnome-media looks pretty good as well, no bug has been pointed as to fix
for feisty there neither

Tomorrow we will work on gnome-utils. The package has not too many bugs
at the moment we will triage them first, then look at things that would
be nice to fix for feisty and do some valgrind
( debugging. 


Sebastien Bacher

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