Launchpad bug pages are about to change

Matthew Paul Thomas mpt at
Wed Aug 22 03:40:07 UTC 2007

On Aug 21, 2007, at 6:55 PM, Onno Benschop wrote:
> Thanks for the heads up.
> Is there any reason why Status and Importance are two columns with two
> links to the same URL?

It is useful for them to be two columns for easy scanning when a bug 
affects multiple projects/packages. But they are changed in the same 

> Also, the link to the "Assigned to" person doesn't underline, nor does
> the icon underline, but the Status and Importance links both underline
> the icon. Furthermore, the link to the package name underlines, but not
> the icon.
> So, the interface rendering is a little inconsistent.

Thanks for raising this. I've reported the bug.

> Also, I personally think that a link that reveals something shouldn't
> look like a link that goes somewhere.
> You can change that with a style entry, something like this:
>     .reveal{
>      cursor:url(zoom.cur),pointer;
>     }
> ...

I agree, and it's something I'll consider for a future design.

Matthew Paul Thomas
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