New Launchpad look and feel

Mathieu Avoine avoinemt at
Wed Apr 4 16:05:33 UTC 2007

Is it just the size of the fonts and such or do you have trouble finding the
stuff you used to find easily?

Personally, I experienced more of the latter, but also I find that font
sizes were chosen badly. For example, if you search for a certain project
(ex. f-spot), the label "Not found what you were looking for?" is many times
bigger than the search results. At first it pretty much looks like the
system doesn't find what I asked for. In terms of usability I've seen

On the other side, the overall site looks great, with bright colors and most
pages are less cluttered than in the previous version. That being said I
have 2 questions:

1) Is there a place to post comments?
2) Is there a manual (or a release note of some sort) to let current users
know where everything is?


On 4/4/07, Michael T. Richter <ttmrichter at> wrote:
>  On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 08:08 -0400, Peter Whittaker wrote:
> Is there a CSS we can use to "get the old way"?
> Alternatively, how about user-editable/configurable CSS?  I mean every
> blogging site that's worth anything provides this and most forum software
> has limited capabilities in this realm too.
>   --
> *Michael T. Richter* <ttmrichter at> (*GoogleTalk:*
> ttmrichter at
> *Never, ever, ever let systems-level engineers do human interaction design
> unless they have displayed a proven secondary talent in that area. Their
> opinion of what represents good human-computer interaction tends to be a bit
> off-track. (Bruce Tognazzini)*
> --
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> Ubuntu-bugsquad at
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