Proposal: assign people to specific jobs

t u towsonu2003 at
Thu Sep 28 18:04:19 UTC 2006

Daniel Holbach wrote:
> I agree, though, that it'd be nice to have groups in the BugSquad that
> focus on specific tasks or specific areas of bugs. For the Desktop Team
> or Maintainer Teams (like Accessibility) we do this already and it's
> quite natural to look at bugs that you have expertise with - it's easier
> to have an overview over less bugs. New users joining the BugSquad will
> also have an easier life, if they can join one group and get specific
> instructions and not generic answers and 17000 open bugs to look at.

a sub-team of bugsquad that only assigns bugs to packages [no other
triaging task involved] might work. the job of this squad would be to
triage incoming (new) as well as old bugs without specified packages
only to packages. it's fairly easy and works nice because package
developers get feedback on bugs in a more efficient way. For example, a
couple of bugs for which I only did this got their way up to 6.10

this also makes life easier for dupe-finders (which could be another
sub-team) as they will only click on "bugs" link on the left side to
look for dupes on a newly reported bug.

one more team: xorg-crash-team could triage only bugs that report xorg
is crashing for some reason (bad config, no driver, gnome screwing up
something etc).


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