Proposition: Restrict dupe-ing ability to bugsquad members

t u towsonu2003 at
Sun Oct 22 18:02:23 UTC 2006

Caroline Ford wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-10-22 at 16:01 +0100, Vassilis Pandis wrote:
>> --- ville palo <ville.palo at> wrote:
>> Restricting duplicate marking is one thing. Maybe 'Status' should be 
>> restricted as well? Another idea would be to restrict these by requiring
>> a minimum bug management karma before status can be changed. I'm just
>> dropping ideas here ... 
> My wishlist would include stopping people confirming their own bugs -
> especially by the same email that submits them, especially if that email
> is produced by a script. 

shouldn't these two suggestions be reported to launchpad (upstream) or
malone (upstream) as bugs? I'm not sure we have anyone here who can
change this. thanks :)

PS. I disagree with the minimum karma limit. that's a little elitist -no

PSS. dropping my own idea ;) => limiting only *some* of the packages
that are especially difficult to triage (ubiquity is absolutely one of
them!) to bugsquad members? anyone should be able to mark duplicates,
reopen, close and so on those less problematic packages

-that also protects against abuse: if someone closes (or marks as dupe)
a bug that I filed for no reason, I will reopen that bug (and unmark as
duplicate) myself (as a regular user). that is a layer of protection
that doesn't need effort from the bugsquad people

PSSS. let's be easy on users who are trying to help from the start :)
let's give them time to fix the error they made after contacting them
*in person* to let them know something went wrong (or, let them know
kindly that something went wrong but they shouldn't try to fix it). It's
not a nice feeling to be scolded not because you were malicious but
because you were trying to help to the best of your knowledge. And it
definitely alienates you from the project.

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