Proposition: Restrict dupe-ing ability to bugsquad members

Vassilis Pandis pandisv at
Sun Oct 22 15:01:11 UTC 2006

--- ville palo <ville.palo at> wrote:

> Hi
> I think you are talking about me :(
> I'm terribly sorry about extra work I was causing by doing this.
> It was not my intention. I really thought that they were duplicates,
> because backtrace looked so similar.

Hi - thanks for stepping up. As a matter of fact, yes I was referring
to you. Don't take me wrong though: this isn't by any means personal
(which is why I didn't mention your name). I am absolutely sure that you
were trying to help out and _THANKS_ for doing so! This isolated incident
only exposes the deficiency in the current setup. 

Ville was only trying to help and his intentions were good. The time
to revert the few bugs that were erroneously marked is not that important
(it's only 10 minutes or so). 

On one hand, it is a very nice thing that Launchpad is so open. It helps
in that everybody can contribute their little bit, without being part of 
the bugsquad or any other team. On the other hand, is the risk worth it?
In one day, a single person can do such damage to Malone that will need
several hours of work to be undone. 

Restricting duplicate marking is one thing. Maybe 'Status' should be 
restricted as well? Another idea would be to restrict these by requiring
a minimum bug management karma before status can be changed. I'm just
dropping ideas here ... 

Ville: Ubiquity triaging is quite peculiar in that very different problems
result in similar backtraces. Many people fell into this trap in the past,
so Kamion has put up this [1] to help with triaging. So don't worry and
keep on triaging! :-)


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