Adpot a package for bugsquashing

Jonathan Carter jonathan at
Thu Dec 21 08:23:28 UTC 2006

Hi Ubuntu bugsquashers

I've been focusing on the debian-installer package for bug triaging the
last two days or so. I found a lot of old bugs that has basically just
been gathering dust for more than a year. Some of them could be rejected
quite easily, and some were ready to be marked as fix. Some have not
been touched since the user initially reported them.

I think that this is quite understandable due to the large number of bug
reports that come in, and the methods that many use to find bugs and
triage them. I'm no expert in the matter, but focusing on this one
package has worked well, I have found quite a number of bugs that only
needed a little love, and I thought that this approach might work well
for other packages and bugsquad members as well.

How it works is, a member adopts a package, such as gnome-system-tools
or banshee, and systematically does a sweep through all the bugs
reported in the package. Once a sweep has been completed, a sweeper can
then log the package as sweeped on a wiki page, and after some time,
someone else can take the package again and poke it some more.

This approach could potentially decrease the number of open bugs in
important packages. I'm no expert on the matter, so comments and input
will be valued. This approach also seems non-intrusive to other bug
squashing efforts, and it currently doesn't need much or any infrastructure.

The initial wikipage can be found at:

Please consider adopting a package today :)


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