bug helper script

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Wed Dec 13 18:10:22 UTC 2006

Daniel Holbach wrote:
> Hello Henrik,
> On Mi, 2006-12-13 at 17:46 +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
>> I've been playing with a little script to help with bug triage in 
>> Malone, esp. finding duplicates. It has a list of known key strings for 
>> a given package that it searches for in bug reports.
> thanks for working on this. I think it's a great idea and will prove
> helpful to all of us.

I hope so. We should follow it up with some wiki pages with key info 
bits about large packages so we can share search strings and other tricks.
> I think we should create a bughelper product in Launchpad and push the
> code up on bazaar-launchpad. That way it will be the easiest for us all
> to work on it and I'm sure we'll have a good coverage of duplicates we
> know about, features, etc. in no time.

Here: https://launchpad.net/products/bughelper/

If someone wants to have a go they should have no reservations about 
starting from scratch -- I won't take offence. One could for example use 
functions :)


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