Free DVDs!

Christian Robottom Reis kiko at
Tue Dec 12 13:42:28 UTC 2006

To ensure the message is across: we want both confirmation (or
invalidation) of bugs, and indication of what source package(s) they are
related to. You get extra good vibes if you add upstream bug watches for
the upstream bugs, but the thing I'm really looking for is confirmation
and source package indication.

On Tue, Dec 12, 2006 at 02:17:34PM +0100, Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> I think zero is a difficult task though because two new ones will always 
> sneak in at the end. But you can of course determine that by looking at 
> the dates.

You're right -- but I want to see that number get down to one digit, and
stay there. I know there is a lot of up-front work that needs to be
done, which is why I'm putting up this bounty (and also because movies
are always good karma!), but I want us to keep the number down once
we're there! I'll be okay with is stipulating an error margin of 20
bugs, but I'll be even happier with a hard zero!
Christian Robottom Reis | | [+55 16] 3376 0125

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