[Ubuntu-BR] Não atualiza - erro - install Oracle JDK 7

agua aguanova1960 em gmail.com
Quinta Outubro 11 09:47:07 UTC 2012

The JDK(TM) is a development environment for building and running 
applications, applets, and components using the Java programming language.
The JDK(TM) includes Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for running 
applications, Java Plug-in for running applets in web browsers and tools 
useful for developing and testing programs written in the Java 
programming language.
Note that this package does not contain any software from Oracle. This 
package does however contain a script to download and install Oracle JDK 
7. All information regarding Java itself can be found on this website: 

Versão instalada: 7u7-0~webupd8~0
Versão disponível: 7u7-0~webupd8~4

Essa atualização não veio de uma fonte que suporta changelogs.

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